I went to my dentist to talk about getting a smile makeover for my eight front teeth. He suggested composite veneers at about $2,800. That is a good price, especially when compared to the porcelain veneers I’ve looked into. What has me worried is my only other experience with composite repairs wasn’t that great. You […]
Treating Enamel Hypoplasia
I have enamel hypoplasia and am looking for some solutions to make my smile more attractive. I inherited some money and am excited about the idea of having a smile that does not embarrass me. Are there things that can help me? Phoebe Dear Phoebe, For the benfit of those who may not know what […]
Dentist Lied to Me about My Porcelain Veneers
I saved up for years for a smile makeover. I was very specific with my dentist about what I wanted. When they came back the first time I could tell right away they didn’t look anything like I wanted. I didn’t even have to look that closely to know they were way darker than I […]
Dental Implants after Ten Years with Dentures
I’ve had dentures for ten years. Originally, I got them because it was my only option. My finances were a disaster back then. Now I’m in a better place financially but my dentist said it is too late for me to get dental implants? Before I give up hope, I want to get another opinion. […]
Dental Tourism Disaster
Can you help me? I went to a European country in order to get a smile makeover I could afford. Even with the travel, I saved $50,000. I loved how the smile looked and was pleased as punch until they started falling off. I’ve been doing everything they’ve told me to. I cut up all […]
Worried about Dentist’s Recommendation
I’m getting a smile makeover but am having doubts about the dentist I chose. His mane is Dr. —— [Name redacted] He wants to do CEREC veneers and plans on them being 5 mm. I’ve done some research and that seems thick to me. My sister-in-law suggested I contact you because you’re known for good […]
Trouble Speaking After Porcelain Veneers
I’ve had 10 porcelain veneers made. When he put in the temporary veneers, everything felt fine. However, since getting the permanent veneers I’ve had trouble speaking. Do you have a recommendation for me? My dentist can’t figure out what’s going on. Lisa Anne Dear Lisa Anne, Something is off in what you’re explaining to me. […]
How To Get a “Wow” Smile?
I’ve been looking into a smile makeover. I keep reading the most important factor is the dentist. I want a smile that makes people say, “Wow!”, but not in the bad kind of way. How do I find the right dentist for that? Brenda Dear Brenda, You are smart to do your research ahead of time. […]
How Do I Get a “WOW” Smile?
I’m wanting a smile makeover. My preference is porcelain veneers. However, I’ve noticed a big diversity of results. I want a smile that makes people say, “Wow!” But in the good way, not the bad way. How do I get that one? I have a feeling the dentist is the key, but don’t know what […]
Dental Implants for a Clumsy Stuntman?
I’m a stuntman by trade. In the past, I’ve never had any problems. But, in the last two years, I’ve lost four teeth. I’m not sure what’s going on. I’ve suddenly gotten clumsy. I’ve lost enough teeth now where I’m starting to get self-conscious, especially because the last one is a very visible front tooth. […]