I want to improve my teeth by getting porcelain veneers, but I’m not completely sure it’s the best choice for me. I’m planning to run for a local office and there’s no doubt that having a nice smile makes all the difference in the world. Right now, my teeth are pretty worn down and I don’t like how they look overall, but I’m more concerned with how others will perceive them. I’m afraid that porcelain veneers will make them look too white and “perfect.” I also don’t want my teeth to be too noticeable. I want them to look nice, but I don’t want people to look at them and think I am showing off — or that I think I’m trying to be some sort of Hollywood celebrity. What I’m aiming for is the look of an average person who takes pride in their appearance. Would porcelain veneers be able to accomplish this or should I look into other options? — Serena
Most people who get porcelain veneers want the “Hollywood look,” with perfectly straight teeth and a bright white gleaming smile. But that look isn’t appropriate for everyone. When a dentist who is skilled with cosmetic treatments does the work, it will look like they’re your natural teeth, even if you do choose to go with a very bright and straight look. Equally, you can have them made a little less red carpet-ready as well. Small defects can easily be added and you can have a darker shade. If you’d like to have some slightly misshapen to add character, that’s a possibility too.
When smile makeovers are done for this purpose, it’s often more the shape of the teeth that gets altered. For example, boxier teeth tend to look more masculine, which carries over well in photos. It conveys strength and stamina. When teeth are a little on the longer side, it creates a youthful and energetic look. The only other real alternative is cosmetic bonding for the type of look you’re hoping to create, but you won’t get as much durability from it if you go that route.
Your best bet is to choose a dentist in your area who is known for doing cosmetic work particularly well, and then communicate your overall goals with him. Dentists who do this frequently work a lot like artists. They listen to your goals and then decide what materials and procedures are ideal and will let you know which options are best for you. In your case, porcelain veneers probably are the right choice to give you a lasting, slightly more upscale smile.
This blog post is brought to you by Des Moines cosmetic dentist, Dr. Phelan Thomas. For more information on the services he provides, please visit his Des Moines cosmetic dentist website.