Our son needs braces, and I’m concerned about his allergy to nickel. At our consultation with the orthodontist, I asked about the possibility of Invisalign, but we were told it’s not appropriate for his situation and they mentioned something about ceramic braces. I really don’t want to deal with any metal-type braces so I am wondering if I should seek out a holistic dentist. If I do, would they be able to give us some alternatives? — Morgan
Kudos to you for looking out for your son’s health! I would definitely be worth your time to find a holistic dentist or orthodontist because they should have a totally different perspective when it comes to straightening your son’s teeth. They should also be able to test your son for allergies and intolerances to heavy metals as well as other toxins that are often found in materials used in non-metal braces. Alternatives they could possibly suggest include appliances, expanders and Invisalign. There are even doctors who practice orthodontic treatment without pulling teeth. Instead, they work to create more room by developing the arches. In any case, they will look at orthodontics in a broader perspective and how crooked teeth can negatively affect not only the health of your mouth, but your overall health and well-being. Definitely go for it and see what you can find out. It will be good to explore all available options for your son.
This blog post is brought to you by Des Moines cosmetic dentist, Dr. Phelan Thomas. For more information on the services he provides, please visit his Des Moines cosmetic dentist website.