I am a bit discouraged and wanted to reach out for advice. I had ten dental crowns placed about 15 years ago. They were made to look “natural” which to me always looked too yellow. I want to replace them and finally get the white smile I always wanted but my dentist said that isn’t […]
My New Crowns are Turning Yellow
I am rather upset about my smile makeover. My dentist made six porcelain crowns for me. First, not only does the color not match the rest of my teeth, but the crowns themselves are turning yellow and I have not had them that long, in fact it has only been a little less than a […]
A Fortune Wasted on My Smile Makeover
I’ve been in tears for months and finally decided to see if there is something I can do about this. I spent close to $30,000 on a smile makeover. It looks awful. I have a small mouth. The dental crowns he gave me are so huge that I can barely close my mouth. The only […]
Veneers Keep Popping Off
I am frustrated. I had a smile makeover done with porcelain veneers and it has been a disaster. First, he ground down my teeth to little nubs. I guess that would be okay if the stupid veneers would stay on. I should have known there would be a problem when the temporary veneers didn’t stay […]
Dental Crown Disaster
My daughter had an accident several years back that damaged her two front teeth quite a bit. Both needed a dental crown. One also needed a root canal treatment. The tooth with the root canal treatment has turned darker over the years and it was really bothering my daughter. Being a teenager is hard enough, […]
Crowns On Front Teeth Do NOT Match
I am so frustrated. I had two dental crowns placed on my front teeth due to an accident. My dentist struggled with getting them to match the shape and character of my other teeth and decided to send me to a prosthodontist to complete my case because they are “experts”. The first pair of crowns […]
You are NOT a Specialist
I am getting sick of dentists who declare they are the only ones who can do “true” cosmetic work because they are AACD accredited. That does NOT make you a specialist. All dentists are cosmetic dentists. We have the same exact degree. You are not any more specialized than I am. Stop trying to take […]
She Needs to Switch Dentists
I’m not sure what to do. My dentist is a family friend. I’ve been unhappy with my smile most of my life. I finally told him I want to do something about my tetracycline stains. He’s suggesting we do six porcelain crowns. I was hoping for porcelain veneers, but he feels crowns will last longer […]
Worried about Dentist’s Recommendation
I’m getting a smile makeover but am having doubts about the dentist I chose. His mane is Dr. —— [Name redacted] He wants to do CEREC veneers and plans on them being 5 mm. I’ve done some research and that seems thick to me. My sister-in-law suggested I contact you because you’re known for good […]
How To Get a “Wow” Smile?
I’ve been looking into a smile makeover. I keep reading the most important factor is the dentist. I want a smile that makes people say, “Wow!”, but not in the bad kind of way. How do I find the right dentist for that? Brenda Dear Brenda, You are smart to do your research ahead of time. […]