I’m really frustrated! About a year ago, I lost a couple pre-molars because of severe tooth decay and I had them replaced with dental implants. At the time, my dentist said it was the best solution. At my last dental appointment, we started talking about those teeth again, and to my surprise, my dentist said that it probably wasn’t just the decay that caused me to lose the teeth, but also because I have gaps in the front of my mouth that caused pressure against those back teeth. Then he said I could have gotten braces to fix those issues before have the implants put in. Say what?! Why didn’t he mention this back then? If I want to consider fixing the problem with braces, I would likely have to have the implants removed. They were so expensive for one. And second, they have healed nicely and look/feel amazing. If this is the only way to fix my teeth, I guess I’ll do it, but I want to be completely sure it’s done right this time. Is it possible to have the implants removed? — Sarah
Technically, yes, you could have your dental implants removed, but be advised that it’s not that simple. Because the implants have integrated with your jawbone, removing them could result in having to have bone grafting to build the area back up before having implants done again. It would be like staring all over. With that said, it would be best to just leave them alone.
Would it have been better if your dentist to have talked to you about all your future needs before beginning something so extensive? Absolutely. However, you may still be able to do something. Orthodontics done without touching those dental implants just might be possible, but it really depends on which teeth need to move and how much. Don’t rely on your dentist for this, call a couple different local orthodontists and consult with them on the best next steps.
This blog post is brought to you by Des Moines cosmetic dentist, Dr. Phelan Thomas. For more information on the services he provides, please visit his Des Moines cosmetic dentist website.