I have enamel hypoplasia and am looking for some solutions to make my smile more attractive. I inherited some money and am excited about the idea of having a smile that does not embarrass me. Are there things that can help me?
Dear Phoebe,
For the benfit of those who may not know what enamel hypoplasia is, I’ll give a brief explanation. It is when the enamel of the teeth do not fully form. This can happen either because of a genetic defect or because of certain medications taken when the adult teeth were still forming.
The good news is there are cosmetic solutions for this condition. Which solution you use will depend on the severity of the hypoplasia. If you have mild hypoplasia you can have dental bonding applied to these spots to even the teeth color out. If you want whiter teeth, take care of that before the bonding is done. So teeth whitening first, then dental bonding. This is because once the bonding color is applied to the teeth, it cannot be changed. Teeth whitening will only work on natural tooth structure.
If, however, you have the more severe case then dental bonding will not be enough. Instead, you will need to have porcelain veneers placed. These are tiny wafers of porcelain that will be bonded over the surface of your teeth. They can do more than just mask the discoloration. Porcelain veneers are the go-to procedure for smile makeovers so they can change anything you want about your smile, including the size, shape, and/or color.
No matter which procedure you choose, make certain that you choose an expert cosmetic dentist. Smile makeovers are not adequately taught in dental school, so you’ll want one who has extensive post-doctoral training. The simplest way for you to find this type of dentist is to look for one who has reached accreditation with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. AACD accredited dentists are the top cosmetic dentists in the country. Any one of them has the skill as well as artistry to create a stunning smile for you.
Enjoy your new, beautiful smile and congratulations on the windfall!
This blog is brought to you by Des Moines Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Phelan Thomas.