I’m not sure what to do. I’d been having serious problems with eczema and pain. I ended up getting tested and it turns out I have multiple allergies to a variety of dental materials. What we know so far is I’m allergic to cobalt, chromium, dental cement, formaldehyde, titanium, and more than a few chemicals. […]
Loose Adult Teeth
Can an adult tooth which is loose be saved? I noticed this morning that I have two loose teeth. They’re right next to each other. I don’t know if I damaged them without noticing or if something else is going on. I do know they wiggle when I move them. Is this something that can […]
Whitening a Gray Tooth
I have a tooth which has always bugged me a bit. Now it’s turned gray. Can I get teeth whitening to fix it? It’s a bit embarrassing when I smile. Joyce B. Dear Joyce, A gray tooth means it’s either dead or dying. Unfortunately, teeth whitening won’t help in a situation like this. Instead, what […]
Best Dentist for My Daughter’s Bulimia
I need help. My daughter is bulimic. I’ve got her in a program to help. It’s her dentist who brought it to our attention. He said her teeth show extensive damage. He’s a family friend. He also told us that she’d need a very good cosmetic dentist and that’s it’s important she feel beautiful. He […]
Emergency Dentist Refuses to Fix Another Dentist’s Crown
I had a dental crown done almost six months ago. It’s hurt from the beginning. The dentist has adjusted it almost 7 times and finally said he’s done all he can do. He felt it was just a matter of me getting used to it. I tried. I really did. Then last night while I […]