I’m not sure what to do. I’d been having serious problems with eczema and pain. I ended up getting tested and it turns out I have multiple allergies to a variety of dental materials. What we know so far is I’m allergic to cobalt, chromium, dental cement, formaldehyde, titanium, and more than a few chemicals. […]
What’s the Difference Between a Holistic Dentist and a General Dentist?
I’m confused about something. I told my sister I was looking for a general dentist and she said I should really be looking for a holistic dentist. She’s one of those people who (even though she doesn’t realize it) is always looking to show she knows more than you do. Because of that, I didn’t […]
Will Insurance Cover a Holistic Dentist?
I’ve been going through my dental insurance provider book with a fine-toothed comb. I can’t find a holistic dentist anywhere. Does this mean insurance doesn’t cover holistic dentists? If that’s the case, what’s the best type of dentist to go to in order to change my amalgam fillings to white fillings? Brianna Dear Brianna, The […]
Did Yolanda Hadid Need a Holistic Dentist to Get Well?
I’m a huge fan of the Real Housewives series and I’ve been following along with story of Yolanda Hadid. She was on social media last month saying she had visited a holistic dentist in order to have all her mercury fillings removed. She has also had all her crowns removed as well as silicone breast […]
Could my partial dentures be making me sick?
I’ve had upper and lower partials for a little over a year now and I think they are making me sick. I constantly have sores in my mouth and just don’t feel quite right most days. I brought it to the attention of my dentist several times and all he does is refer me elsewhere. […]
Am I putting my health at risk if I have my amalgam fillings removed?
I have quite a few silver fillings and I want to have them out and replaced with white fillings. When I asked my dentist about it, he pretty much told me he wouldn’t remove them because it not safe and I could ingest mercury. Isn’t there anyone who can remove my fillings safely? — Michael […]
Do I really need to fly overseas to see a holistic dentist?
I’m not sure if I should see a holistic dentist here or go visit my family in Taiwan. I’m 19 and have not had a checkup for many years, but I have one tooth is hurting a lot. I talked to my aunt about it and she says to come stay with her in Taiwan […]
Is mercury-free best for my kids?
I’m not really sure what to think about this whole mercury-free thing. I’ve had silver fillings all my life and they are completely fine. Now that I have kids, I’ve become more conscious about what they are exposed to – even down to the chemicals I use in our home. I guess it would make […]
Could my high blood pressure be caused by silver fillings?
I was just diagnosed with high blood pressure and it totally caught me off guard. I certainly can’t claim to be a super healthy person, but I try to watch what I eat, stay pretty active and I don’t smoke. I even checked to see if anyone in my family has high blood pressure and […]
Is it True that the US Agreed to Phase Out Mercury Fillings?
I came across something interesting on a natural news website. It said that the United States had signed some kind of worldwide agreement a couple of years ago, agreeing to phase out mercury. It also said that several international groups were petitioning the FDA to take action because nothing is being done yet. I have […]