I am only 42 and have been diagnosed with a severe calcium deficiency. As a result, my dentist said I need to have the remainder of my teeth removed and replaced with dentures. I do have a remarkable amount of trouble with my teeth and I guess this explains why. My biggest concern is facial […]
Can I Get Gold Teeth for My Dentures?
I have had horrible teeth most of my life and my dentist said I should just get dentures. While on one hand, I am excited about getting pretty teeth, which leads to my question. The other hand has me really creeped out about the idea of dentures. It seems like something just for old women […]
If Dentures are All I Can Afford Will My Smile Be Ugly?
After six pregnancies where I threw up constantly, my teeth are practically crumbling. My dentist is convinced they can’t be saved and want me to get implant overdentures. The problem is I just can’t afford twelve dental implants. I’ve worked my budget every which way and it is impossible. I am stuck with dentures. He […]
My Dentures are Stained and Won’t Even Stay In
I’m having the worst time with my dentures the last few months. While I’d never call them pretty, even when I first got them about 17 years ago, they are so stained now, it looks like I have no oral hygiene at all. To top it off, now they won’t even stay in my mouth. […]
Dental Implants after Ten Years with Dentures
I’ve had dentures for ten years. Originally, I got them because it was my only option. My finances were a disaster back then. Now I’m in a better place financially but my dentist said it is too late for me to get dental implants? Before I give up hope, I want to get another opinion. […]
Is It Possible to Get a Beautiful Smile After 25 Years with Dentures?
I’ve had dentures for a little over twenty-five years. While they have been a decent replacement for me, they’ve never been attractive. I met someone who has dental implant dentures instead of just dentures. They look much nicer. Is it possible for me to get a beautiful smile after all this time? Lilly Dear Lilly, […]